For 101, Audrey looks amazing and has always had such a positive attitude! She has lived an incredible life full of love, laughter, and adventure.
Where it all started
Born in Penny Lane Liverpool, Audrey grew up during the war era. During the war, Audrey had taken up knitting to pass the time and growing up during this period, she learned the value of kindness and giving to others. Combining both life lessons and realising she had a talent. She decided to see how she could use it to raise money for charity. She started to sell bobble hats to raise money for Cancer Research UK and over the years she has raised over £1000!
In her early twenties, Audrey got her first job in an office on Dale Street in Liverpool. As part of this job, she dealt with post and parcels and did lots of tea making for everyone in the office. However, Audrey knew this job wouldn’t be forever, it was mainly to bring in money and for her to practise her shorthand training.
Audrey being the inspiring woman she is, worked all the way up until she was 75! Now Audrey is comfortably living at Woodlands Lodge, which she says is “great” as she has a comfortable room and the staff are friendly and caring. She also likes the activities offered and being able to choose if she wants to get involved.
Now, at 101 years old, Audrey is doing absolutely amazing! So, we had to ask her what her skincare routine is and she said, “I don’t have any secrets. I use E45 in the morning and Clinique in the evening! It’s good to look after yourself”. Lastly, Aurdey gave us one piece of advice for the younger generation, which is, “Just simply behave! And be kind to one another”.
We are lucky to have such an inspiring and youthful woman here with us at Woodlands Lodge!
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